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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to Madison, AL AYSO Region 498

Coach Volunteers


Regional Coach Administrator - Hugh Hartwig  [email protected]                

Director of Coach Instruction - Simon King [email protected]

Coaches, like all AYSO Volunteers, MUST complete the following, as well as coach specific training listed below:

  • AYSO Volunteer Registration - This is completed once every membership year. The AYSO 498 membership year runs Aug 1st through Jul 31st. Register on
  • AYSO Safe Haven - Taken online at AYSOU. Safe Haven certification is taken one time only.
  • CDC Concussion Awareness - Taken every Membership year. Online course at AYSOU.
Additional coaching resources can be found at

Coach Training Requirements

What do I need to be an AYSO Coach/Assistant?

1.   Registration

All Coaches and Assistant Coaches must complete a registration form each year (Beginning Fall Season). Click here for Registration Instructions. Coaches must also sign up on Blue Sombrero to coach a specific division each season. 

2.   Safe Haven

All AYSO Volunteers are required to complete Safe Haven training once since 2012. This training may be completed from under "My Courses"

3.   CDC Concussion Training

Concussion training is required each year by Alabama for all youth sports. Concussion training is available from under "My Courses"

4.   Age Appropriate Training

Consistent with AYSO National policy, all coaches must be certified to coach at their team’s age level.  For example, 12U coaches must be certified to the 12U level.  This applies to both head and assistant coaches.

In addition to the requirements below, each coach volunteer is required to complete AYSO "Safe Haven" training since 2012, and "Concussion" training each year. 

Madison AYSO provides coach training and certification courses located in Madison for levels 6U through 12U.  Higher level training (Intermediate for 14U, Advanced for 16U and 18U) is provided by through AYSO Area, Sectional, and National programs.  Because all AYSO coach training follows a nationally mandated and standardized curriculum, you can attend any coach training event at any AYSO Region, for all age divisions, and coaches from outside Madison are welcome to attend our courses.  This provides a wide range of options and dates in addition to the training offered within our Region.

The minimum coach certification level by age division is as follows:

Coach Certification Requirements


Certification Requirement

 Theory Field Prerequisites Manual 

5U & 6U



  Online  1.5 hrs    AYSOU eBook

7U & 8U



  Online  1.5 hrs    AYSOU eBook




  Online  1.5 hrs    AYSOU eBook




  2.5 hrs classroom  2.5 hrs    12U Coach Manual




  Online + 4 hrs classroom  Up to 5 hrs  12U Coach  AYSOU eBook

16U and 18U



  Online + 5 hrs classroom Up to 5 hrs  Intermediate Coach  AYSOU eBook


Note that the coach training program has two elements – a theory component and an on-field component.  You must complete both, and be signed off by the course instructor at the end of each session, to be certified. The theory component may be delivered online and/or in person classroom sessions; see taking online classes in the sections below for more info.

It is advisable to complete the online Safe Haven and concussion awareness courses before attending these sessions.

For the on-field portion, please wear soccer attire and bring a hat, plenty of water and sunblock.  

In Person Training Courses

In Person courses are classroom or field sessions. The Training Requirements section gives details of which training is required for each Coach Certification. It is important that you register for your chosen course in advance. To find available classes and register:

  1. Click on the AYSOU tab of this website, or go to
  2. Log in using your Blue Sombrero log-in info
  3. Click on "Live Courses"
  4. Click on "Show All"
  5. Course offerings are listed in date order
  6. Scroll down to find the course that you want (Note, that date of the course doesn't matter at this stage)
  7. Click on "Sessions"
  8. All the offerings of the selected course are listed in date order.
  9. Scroll down to find the specific course you want
    1. Make sure you check the location of the course
  10. Click on "Register"

Unregister - If you find you cannot attend a course or have made a mistake, please, unregister from the course

  1. Go to the session for which you are registered, click on the title of the course, and click "Unregister".  You can then select another session.

Video: Register for In-Person session

Quick Guide, Register for In-Person Training

If you get stuck, contact the Director of Coach Instruction at [email protected].

Online Training Courses (6U, 8U, 10U, Intermediate Online)

Online Coach Courses (6U, 8U, 10U, Intermediate, Advanced)

Follow these instructions for 6U, 8U, 10U, Intermediate, and Advanced Online courses. The 12U course does not have an online component. Complete the instructions for "In-Person Training Courses" to register for the classroom or field sessions separately.

Online training is taken on the AYSO University (AYSOU) site. All courses that you have access to are listed under "My Courses", the free courses (Safe Haven, CDC Concussion Awareness, and AYSO's Summary of the Laws of the Game) are already listed. AYSO 498 Provides free training for all Volunteers. Other courses need to be purchased using a Voucher before they are added to your My Courses list. The process to purchase a course is:

  1. First-time volunteers must complete registration before proceeding. This will create your account in AYSOU.
  2. Click on the AYSOU tab of this website, or go to
  3. Log in using the same Username and Password as for (Blue Sombrero).
  4. Click on "eCommerce" tab
  5. Under Categories, click "Coach Training"
  6. For the course you want to take, click "See Details"
    1. See Coach Training Requirements for which certifications have an online component
  7. Click on "Buy now" and follow the next screen.
  8. On the payment page DO NOT USE PERSONAL CREDIT CARD. Send an email to [email protected] to request a Coach Training Voucher. Include the following:
    1. Name
    2. AYSOID if known
    3. Level of coach training
  9. When you receive the Voucher, complete the purchase; no other payment is required
  10. The course will appear in your "My Courses" tab
    1. You can download the e-Book Coach Manual to whatever devices you want

NOTE: You must register for the field or classroom sessions separately by following "In Person Training Courses" instructions.

Taking an online course:

  1. Click on the AYSOU tab of this website, or go to
  2. Log in using the same Username and Password as for (Blue Sombrero).
  3. Click on "My Courses"
  4. Open the Coach folder by clicking on "Open". Complete the modules listed.
Note you do not have to complete a course in one sitting, the system will remember where you had got to.

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Contact Us

AYSO Madison Alabama Region 498

101 Danvers Dr 
Madison, Alabama 35758

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 256-684-2959
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