Quick Reference Guide for AYSO 498 Parents and Coaches
General Information
The AYSO 498 Website (ayso498.org) and Parent/Coach Meeting Slides will answer most questions that will come up about the season. All parents and coaches are encouraged to read through the presentation. AYSO.org also has a parent’s guide with useful information about AYSO Soccer.
AYSO Six Philosophies
Positive Coaching Alliance www.positivecoach.org
Game Schedules
www.sportac.us is the official game schedule for our region. Please refer directly to sportac.us for game schedules. Schedules can change weekly so be sure to check back prior to each game. Maps to the fields are available by selecting the field name in sportac.us.
Search for games by setting the date and entering your coach’s last name or division. An example team name is R0498-10UG-05-Smith for Region 498, Division 10U Girls, Team 5, coach name Smith. When viewing the schedule, select the team name to bring up team specific information including a link directly to the team schedule that can be bookmarked for easy access. You can also add your team’s schedule to your phone or computer using the “webcal” link at the bottom of the team page. Your linked calendar will automatically get updated if any game changes occur.
Uniforms are either blue or red jersey, black shorts, and black socks for 12U and below, and color coordinating socks for 14U and above. Blue uniforms are for the Home Team and Red uniforms are for the Away Team. Please bring both uniforms to all games in case a player needs to change. Home games are listed in Sportac.us on the left ide, and Away Teams are listed on the right side.
Field Status
Field status for Madison fields is available on the Madison Alabama Website. Parents are encouraged to register for field status alerts since field status changes daily. Soccer activities are cancelled if their respective field is closed. Fields outside of Madison will follow their own field status so refer to their website for any closures.
Player Equipment
No Jewelry: Players are not allowed to wear jewelry of any kind - NO bracelets, neck wear, wrist bands, earrings, ear studs, body piercings. Hair bands must be soft with no hard clips or beads.
Shin Guards: All players must wear SHIN GUARDS covered by socks – not under and rolled back down.
Ball Sizes: Size 3 for 6U-8U, Size 4 10U-12U, Size 5 for 14U-19U.
Water: Players are encouraged to pre-hydrate as early as the day prior to each game. Water consumed during the game will do little to help with hydration during game play. This will become even more important as temperatures increase later in the season. Players should bring a large water bottle to each game and practice. Coaches should bring ice packs and additional water and to all games.
Player Forms: Coaches must have player forms available at all games, practices, and AYSO activities.
Be Weather Aware
Players must leave the field for 30 minutes following the last lightning or thunder occurrence. Please read the weather policy in the meeting slides.
Kids Zone
AYSO Soccer fields are a Kids Zone. Please remember:
- Kids are No. 1.
- Fun, not winning is everything.
- Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
- No yelling in anger.
- Respect the volunteer referees.
- No swearing or abusive behavior.
- No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
- No weapons.
- Leave no trash behind.
- Set a proper example of sportsmanship
Get IN the Game, Become a Referee!
Parents, why watch your child’s game from the sidelines when you can Be IN the Game. Referees help make games FUN FAIR and SAFE for the kids and are needed at all levels, even 7U and 8U and below. Referee training is free and only takes a few hours to complete, but the experience lasts a lifetime. Contact [email protected] for more information about becoming a referee and upcoming training opportunities or “Register Now” at ayso498.org.
Team Parent
Each team is encouraged to select a team parent to help organize game day snacks and other activities. Team parents must register as a volunteer through Blue Sombrero by creating an account on ayso498.org.
Each team has a Team Site on our website that can be used for communicating to the team, scheduling snacks, and sending important information. To be sure everyone receives team emails, be sure to add additional users to your account, or set a secondary email address. This can be done by logging into ayso498.org and selecting the settings icon (circular gear). Secondary email or additional users can be added at the bottom of this page. Coaches should communicate regularly with their team regarding practices and game schedules, which uniforms to wear, and to pass along information from Coordinators and Staff. Contact information for AYSO Board staff is available on ayso498.org under “General Info->Board and Staff”
Contact Info
Regional Commissioner - [email protected]
Coach Administrator - [email protected]
Referee Administrator - [email protected]
Director of Coach Instruction - [email protected]
Director or Referee Instruction - [email protected]
Registration - [email protected]