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Welcome to Madison, AL AYSO Region 498

Sign up for Games

Signing up for Games with Officials Connect

When you login go to your Officials Dashboard at

Screenshot of the Stack Officials Dashboard with a calendar in the left nav and the message "You have no assignments on this date" in the main pane

Select the date from the calendar that you are looking to sign up for games on. It will then display a list of games available to you.

Screenshot of the Stack Officials Dashboard with August 20, 2022 selected and 4 games visible in the main panel, all games in the 8U age group at Sharon Johnston Park

Find the game you would like to sign up for and hit the + sign beside that game.

Cropped screenshot of a game from the Stack Officials dashboard with a hand-drawn arrow and circle highlighting the plus button to expand game details

 This will expand that game and allow you to sign up for the game.  Select the role you would like and hit the Accept button.

Screenshot of an expanded game from the dashboard view with hand-drawn circles around a link with the text "CR: Open" and a button with "Accept" in green text

This will accept the game. All accepted games show up at the top of your list for that day.

You can also use the Games tab to look for games you might want to do. On this tab you can filter by several factors including location, team, division(level), etc. This screen is also great for quick reference on which games need officials still. You still have to go back to the dashboard screen to sign up though.

Screenshot of the Stack Officials games tab showing the filter options: complex name, team name, level & type, status, start date, end date, category, and official/assessor name. All the fields are combo boxes.

**If you need to remove yourself from a game, Open the accepted game back up and there Is a Decline button. Select decline and it will trigger a message to the assignors (Region/Area coordinators and Region/Area referee administrators) to remove you from the game. If you need to remove yourself at the last minute, please contact your RRA directly.

 Cropped screenshot of a stack officials game showing Jason Lanier assigned to referee a game with a "Decline" button available

Closing a game

After a game has concluded, you will be able to submit a Game Report for the game. Open the Dashboard back up to the day of the game. Your assigned games will be at the top of the list with a Green + Sign. Open the game up and you will see the below screen. 

Screenshot of a game from Stack Officials after the game has completed showing links to submit game and incident reports

On the right of the screen will be 2 links: One for Game reports and one for Incident reports. 

  • Game Report: your score report and general notes
  • Incident Report: used to report Cards issued, injuries, or other major in-game incident (includes fan misconduct)

Game Report

Select the Game Report Link

Click on the a blue plus sign on a white background surrounded by a blue circle plus sign to create a report, then enter Home and Away Scores and the number of cautions and send-offs (if any). Depending on the event settings, you may have the option to include a Game Note and/or Attachments (such as a photo of a roster, field condition, etc.). 

Remember to click "Submit" when you are finished.
Cropped screenshot of the game report modal dialog showing that there are currently 0 attached reports with the option to create a new one

Screenshot of the add game report modal showing a summary section where you enter how many goals, yellow cards, and red cards each team had alongside a game notes section where you can type in notes and add any desired attachments

Incident Report

Select the DATE of the game on your assignment calendar, then open the desired Game Tile which has all the details. Links to post-game reports will appear once the game is over. Click or tap on the word “Incident” in blue text.

Cropped screenshot of a game from the Stack Officials dashboard with the incident report link highlighted in a red rectangle

Submitting Incident Reports

Incident Reports start with a pop-up screen giving you details of previously submitted reports and a chance to add new ones. Yes, one game could have multiple reports!
Screenshot of the incident report modal showing that 1 incident report has been submitted with a link to view the report of type "Serious Injury -- Player"

  • To ADD a new report: select the plus sign
  • To EDIT a report: click on the blue letters/link to report
  • To DELETE a report: click on the garbage can icon
  • LOCKED report? The green check mark indicates an approved report. Please contact the Event administrator if you need to edit or delete your approved report.


Each report should address a single incident!
Select a Report Type, Reason, Time of Incident, whom you are Reporting On, and Team if applicable. Once all required information has been provided, the Submit button will turn blue.

Make sure to alert others if your description includes offensive language.
Screenshot of the add incident report form showing a combo box titled Report Type, which is set to Misconduct, a combo box for the time of incident currently set to 2nd Half, a combo box labeled Reason set to Irresponsible behavior, a combo box titled "Reporting on" set to spectator, a text entry field for Name, a combo box for Team set to N/A, a selected checkbox for Offensive Language, and a large text field for a detailed description

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AYSO Madison Alabama Region 498

101 Danvers Dr 
Madison, Alabama 35758

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 256-684-2959
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