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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to Madison, AL AYSO Region 498

2024-2025 (MY 2024) AYSO Age Chart

2024-2025 (MY 2024) AYSO Age Chart


The effective date of age determination for registration is the player's age as of December 31, 2025

  1. Using the row across the top, choose the year (the current soccer year will always be Column 1)
  2. Using the left column, select the Birth Year of your player(s)
  3. The result will show you the division your player is eligible for, as well as the actual age of the players
Membership Year MY2024 MY2025 MY2026 MY2027 MY2028 MY2029
Start Date
August 1, 2024 August 1, 2025 August 1, 2026 August 1, 2027 August 1, 2028 August 1, 2029
End Date
July 31, 2025 July 31, 2026 July 31, 2027 July 31, 2028 July 31, 2029 July 31, 2030
Birth Year Players age division is based on the age of player as of December 31, 2025.
2026 Playground
2025 Playground 5U
2024 Playground 5U 6U
2023 Playground 5U 6U 7U
2022 Playground 5U 6U 7U 8U
2021 Playground 5U 6U 7U 8U 9U
2020 5U 6U 7U 8U 9U 10U
2019 6U 7U 8U 9U 10U 12U
2018 7U 8U 9U 10U 12U 12U
2017 8U 9U 10U 12U 12U 15U
2016 9U 10U 12U 12U 15U 15U
2015 10U 12U 12U 15U 15U 15U
2014 12U 12U 15U 15U 15U 19U
2013 12U 15U 15U 15U 19U 19U
2012 15U 15U 15U 19U 19U 19U
2011 15U 15U 19U 19U 19U 19U
2010 15U 19U 19U 19U 19U
2009 19U 19U 19U 19U
2008 19U 19U 19U
2007 19U 19U
2006 19U

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

1.   When are the soccer seasons?

  • Fall season starts August and runs through October (5U-8U) and early November (9U-19U)
  • Indoor/Futsal starts in December and runs into the beginning of March
  • Spring season starts in March and runs into the end of May
  • Registration for each season starts 2-3 months prior

2.   When and where are soccer practices?

  • Practices are held Monday through Friday
  •  Coaches pick the practice days and times when they receive their teams, based on field availability
  •  Practice locations are at Dublin or Palmer Park

AYSO Playground (4U) practice once a week. Trainings may be offered several times during the week  
5U/6U practice 45 minutes to an hour once per week with a start time between 5:00pm and 7:00pm
7U/8U practice 1 hour and 15 minutes once or twice per week with a start time between 5:00pm and 7:00pm
9U-19U practice 1.5 hours twice a week with a start time between 5:00pm and 8:00pm

There are no practices during Indoor/Futsal season

3.   When and where are the soccer games?

Most games are played on Saturdays at Dublin and Palmer Parks 
2015 (10U) to 2006 (19U) teams may "travel" locally (i.e. - Huntsville, Harvest, Monrovia, New Market etc.) at least once throughout the season
Game start times are 8:00am - 3:00pm

2016 (9U) to 2006 (19U) Tournaments:
Tournament Games are played on all days of the week, including Sunday
Region Tournament - Dublin & Palmer Parks
Area Tournament - Can be Huntsville, Harvest, Madison, or any location within our Area.

Games are played at Liberty Middle School Gymnasium. 
Game times and locations vary year to year due to gym availability.

4.   How do I become a Coach?

  Coaching children is a very rewarding experience. And coaching your own child's team can be one of the most rewarding 
experiences of all! Coaches are pivotal to having children get the AYSO experience. If AYSO regions don't have enough coaches, 
registration is scaled back and kids who want to play soccer are turned away. 

Do you have little to no experience with soccer? No problem! Our Region 498 coach instructors will teach you, based on the level
you are coaching. Unique age-appropriate coach training is one of AYSO's specialties. If you plan to be at your child's soccer
practices and games, you'll also have time to be your child's coach. 

To become an AYSO Region 498 coach, you must first complete a volunteer registration form. Choose the division you wish to
coach. CLICK HERE for registration instructions. Next, you must complete the online Safe Haven and CDC Concussion 
training at AYSOU. Safe Haven only needs to be taken once, and CDC Concussion needs to be taken every 12 months from the
date originally taken. Lastly, you must complete the online and in-person age specific coaching course. Click the How To Guide 
link below for instructions on complete an online training session or registering for an in-person training session:

Coaches are essential to the game. They teach children soccer skills and help develop a healthy, positive attitude, teamwork and
good sportsmanship. Coaching is a rewarding experience as you have the opportunity to build a child's self-esteem, help them 
learn new skills, and just have a lot of fun. 

For full information on How to Become a Coach, CLICK HERE 

5.   What happens when no referee signs up for a scheduled game?

Games hosted by AYSO Region 498 for which no certified and approved referee is present, a friendly coach-led scrimmage can be played in lieu of a game. The role of the coach is to guide the scrimmage--NOT to referee--and to maintain a safe environment for the players allowing them have fun while learning in a game-like environment.

NOTE: Scrimmages do NOT count towards referee points, sportsmanship points, or tournament results. Parents, family members, and players themselves are encouraged to become certified referees so there is adequate coverage of all soccer matches. Visit Coach-Led Scrimmages for more information.

6.   How do I become a Referee?

Being an AYSO Referee can be a rewarding experience for both the kids and the volunteer with no long-term commitment and provides flexibility for those with uncertain schedules. Referees can select which game or games they are able to officiate each week, or none if their schedule does not allow. To become a referee, a volunteer must complete a few short online courses, and then attend the Regional Referee Training which takes around 3 hours to complete.

If you have a son or daughter that is at least 10 years of age, we encourage them to become a Youth Referee. Besides knowing
the fundamentals of playing the game, your son or daughter can learn ALL aspects of soccer by officiating games as well. Being
a youth referee can become a positive self-esteem and confidence booster for a young boy or girl. 

For more information, CLICK HERE for How to Become a Referee

7.   Are there other opportunities to volunteer besides Coach or Referee?

Yes. If you are unable to be a coach or referee, but still want to be involved with your child's team, consider being a Team Parent.
A team parent does the "admin" duties such as creating a snack schedule and organizing the end-of-season soccer party, if 

We also offer board member and staff positions. Whether you are a board member or not, you are always welcome to attend our 
board meetings every first Thursday of each month from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Dublin Park main building. However, as a
board member, you are eligible to vote on different items presented in meetings. Available staff positions may vary from year to
year. if you are not sure that you have what it takes to volunteer at a board member or staff positions, we train! All of our Region 
498 volunteers continually learn as they go, and they take what they've learned to support new volunteers. . 

8.   What happens if we have to miss a game or the game is rained out?

        Due to the size of the region and limited field space, games are not rescheduled per rain-out or lack of players. 

9.   How long are the games?

  • 2019/2020 (5U/6U) games are 20 minutes - two 10-minute halves
  • 2017/2018 (7U/8U) games are 40 minutes - two 20-minute halves
  • 2015/2016 (9U/10U) games are 50 minutes - two 25-minute halves
  • 2013/2014 (11U/12U) games are 60 minutes - two 30-minute halves
  • 2011/2012 (13U/14U) games are 70 minutes - two 35 minute halves
  • 2009/2010 (15U/16U) games are 80 minutes - two 40-minute halves
  • 2006-2008 (17U/18U/19U) games are 90 minutes - two 45-minute halves

At 12U and below, games are broken into quarters with a short break between quarters, and a 5-minute break at the half.
Substitutions are only allowed at quarter breaks. 13U to 9U play 2 halves with monitored substitutions throughout the entire match instead of quarter breaks.

10.  What is the starting age to play AYSO Region 498 soccer?

Players can start AYSO soccer at age 4 (age as of 12/31/2021) up to age 19 for any of our soccer programs except Adult Soccer. For Adult Soccer, players need to be 18 or older. 

11.  What are the age brackets?

. The effective date of age determination for registration is the player's age as of December 31, 2025.

Age Guide for August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2025 Membership Year 2024 (MY2024)


Birth Year

Born Between


 Min Players to Play

Ball Size

 Substitution type

Goal Size

Heading Allowed

Offside Called

Length of Match

Min Players Per Team

Max Players Per Team


2006 - 2009

1/1/2006 - 6/30/2010

11 v 11 with GK



 Monitored (Free)

8' X 24'



90 Min




2010 - 2012

1/1/2010- 6/30/2013

11 v 11 with GK



Monitored (Free)

8' X 24'



80 Min




2013 - 2014

1/1/2013 - 6/30/2015

9 v 9 with GK



Half time and Mid-half

7' X 21'



60 Min





1/1/2015 - 6/30/2016

7 v 7 with GK



 Half time and Mid-half

6.5' X 18.5'



50 Min





1/1/2016- 6/30/2017

7 v 7 with GK



Half time and Mid-half

6.5' X 18.5'



50 Min





1/1/2017 - 6/30/2018

4 v 4 no GK



 Half time and Mid-half

4' X 6'



40 Min





1/1/2018 - 6/30/2019

4 v 4 no GK



 Half time and Mid-half

4' X 6'



40 Min





1/1/2019 - 6/30/2020

4 v 4 no GK



Half time and Mid-half

4' X 6'



20 Min





1/1/2020- 6/30/2021

4 v 4 no GK



 Half time and Mid-half

4' X 6'



20 MIn



4U Playground


1/1/2021 - 12/31/2021

Individual Play




No Goals



60 Min



* Offside is called at the build out line, not at the halfway line in 9U and 10U
* For 12U and below, substitutions may only occur at half time, during the water/substitution break midway though each half ("quarter" breaks), and in the event of an injury. Monitored substitutions in 15U and higher may be made at any stoppage in play with the referee's explicit permission.

12.  How many players per team?

  • 4U Playground does not form teams or have games
  • 5U-8U play 4v4 typically with 6 players per team
  • 9U/10U plays 7v7 typically with 9 players per team
  • 11U/12U plays 9v9 typically with 12 players per team
  • 13U/14U play 11v11 typically with 15 players per team
  • 15U-19U play 11v11 typically with 15-18 players per team

13.  When and where is registration?

Registration will always remain open for each core season until we no longer have coach volunteers to assign a team. Therefore,
it's very important for parents to consider coaching and/or refereeing each season. The more parents we have volunteer as
coaches, the more teams are created meaning more players can register to play. At the same time, it's also important for
parents to considering refereeing. The more coaches we have, the more teams are created leaving us in need of more referees
to officiate the games.

Based on the information above, registration for each season opens and closes the following months:

  • Fall Season Registration opens May; closes approximately end of August
  • Indoor Season Registration opens *November; closes approximately end of January
  • Spring Season Registration opens *November; closes approximately beginning of March
  • (*Opens immediately after the fall season Region 498 Tournament ends)

Registration is completed online through our website at Our preferred method of payment for registration is
credit card. Using this method is simple, quick, and allows your player to be assigned to a team faster. However, if you prefer to
pay by cash or check, we accept these payment types during a scheduled Open Enrollment or when Soccer Central (concession
stand, Dublin Park Field #1) is open. Open enrollments are scheduled at either a remote location such as Dick's Sporting Goods,
or Soccer Central. This method of payment takes longer to complete your player's registration and be assigned to a team. Please
make check payments out to AYSO 498.

14.  Do the players receive uniforms?

Players have the option of ordering a uniform through via an email after registration or purchasing one at Soccer Central during
advertised open hours. If players have a uniform that fits from a previous season, they are not required to purchase a new one.

  • Blue Jersey (home)
  • Red Jersey (away)
  • Pair of Shorts - 5U and up
  • Black Socks - 8U and Below
  • Red/Blue Socks 9U and up

Players must provide their own shin guards (required) as well as their own shoes. Sneakers are allowed in AYSO soccer. However,
we recommend soccer cleats at every age (4U Playground is optional) for two reasons: 1) Wearing soccer cleats at a younger age
will allow the player to get used to these type of shoes as they grow; and 2) When playing both fall and spring season, the grass
on the fields may become wet at some point due to rainy weather and soccer cleats will help prevent slipping. Baseball and football
cleats are not allowed due to the toe cleats.

15.  What size ball do players need?

  • 4U - 8U uses a Size 3 ball (23.0-25.0 inch circumference, 10-12 ounces)
  • 9U - 12U uses a Size 4 ball (25.0-26.5 inch circumference, 12-14 ounces)
  • 13U - 19U uses a Size 5 ball (26.5-28.0 inch circumference, 14-16 ounces)

16.  How to report Field Issues?

  • Fill out the form: Click Here to report Field Issues
  • Call Madison Parks and Recreations at (256) 772-9300 for immediate issues only
  • Email [email protected]
  • Call or text Gene Scherer at 256-258-9525


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Contact Us

AYSO Madison Alabama Region 498

101 Danvers Dr 
Madison, Alabama 35758

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 256-684-2959
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